About Tim Peters


“I build connections that innovate, add value and create longterm success for organizations, their clients and their partners.”  


Randy Borron, Vice Chairman Cushman & Wakefield; Clark McLeod, VP Corporate ServicesCBRE; Dr. Luis Baretto, Global Health Office Human Health Therapeutics; Brian Dozman, all-time top salesperson for Herman Miller International; Ron Swail COO University of Toronto — each of these accomplished individuals describe Tim Peters as the best networking person they’ve ever known. Here’s why. A recent past President of CoreNet Canada, Tim is an uncommon mix of experience, optimism, patience and skill. Specifically, he integrates seamlessly strategic initiative consulting, networking and project management. In his 20 years in strategic business development, Tim has exceeded every quota and leadership objective.  

Big picture, Tim knows that a client’s success is his success. His colleagues’ success is his success. His team’s success, is his success. He draws on who he knows and what he knows to connect people and ideas — all to add value to strategic partnerships, to help prospects see his organization as a resource of new opportunity, and to entrench the loyalty of existing connections and colleagues. Tim is a rare hybrid in strategic initiatives, empowering colleagues with his vast network and marketing experience to find success across multiple vertical markets including: finch, digital media, “connected car”, higher education, life sciences, agritech, food and beverage, startups & incubators, energy, transportation and culture.

For example, he’s shown multinational biotech organizations where there’s exciting common ground with universities; he’s helped foreign companies find successful new home bases in the GTA; he’s connected national grocery retailers with leading agritech research initiatives; he’s taken personal time to sit on many worthy regional and national professional boards of various vertical markets — contributing his knowhow while extending his network of contacts. He’s also helped coordinate many charity events and programs that unite his colleagues and clients in the spirit of helping others, including founding Tour de Headwaters, and helping raise $2.5 million for kids with cancer (Tour for Kids).

Beyond his many quantifiable assets — experience, a vast professional network, an innovative approach to partnering, marketing and communications knowhow — Tim is simply the kind of person people want to work with. That’s invaluable.